19 December 2007

Post Possum Vet Visit

Kind of a catchy title, yes?

Rox seems fine this morning and I do too. In the bright clear sunny morning things look a lot less upsetting. Well, not to the possum I guess...

Update: Talked with our vet, and in the absence of bite marks and with a recent rabies vaccine, we don't have to bring her in today. Just keep an eye on her.

Also, I checked where the possum had been.... GONE! Little footprints led away into the neighbors yard. On one hand I'm glad the critter isn't dead, but on the other.... looks like this might happen again if Patty Possum doesn't move on down the street.......

Funny thing, today our fortune cookie from lunch said I'd experience something exciting soon. Timing was off a bit.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Peter and I LOVE the dog blog! Roxie is very foxie indeed. Peter's mom and sister were here this weekend and his mom just loves your stories. We have many to tell you about our new little girl Aine (sounds like Anya). Peter chose her name and it is Gaelic and means radiance and joy. I will have to send pics. Have a super holiday and I hope Roxie gets lots of presents from Santa! Sommer & Peter