14 December 2007

Do Mustaches and Beard Grow Back?

We just now got a good look at Roxie's face.... she's such a wigglebutt....

Where the picker balls were tangled in her face and the vet had to pull them out, a good bit of hair came out too. Naturally. Sigh. At least she didn't have to have the hair cut or shaved. Our vet did a good job in maintaining as much hair as she could.

She's a regular Raggedy Ann now..... never having a wirehair dachsie before I have no idea if the mustache and beard will grow back. It was soooo pretty........

Those damned picker balls!

Putting on my Pollyanna hat, I suppose I should be glad it wasn't a run-in with a snake or skunk. It could have been worse. Am I shallow?

No picture because, as usual, she won't pose when we want her to. I'll try later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A resounding "YES THEY DO" and it doesn't take too long either.