29 February 2008

The Boots, The Boots !!!

The universal signal, the donning of the boots... first, an awareness. Then quickly it turns to excitement, which gives way to euphoric dancing and singing. Wah-rooooo, ruh-rooooo... the game is about to begin!

We're going, we're going! I'm taking him on a walkie.... Rah-roooo. Soon I'll see the ted-dog, and bark at those nasty runts behind the fence, and maybe see a rabbit, and I'll make a really big poop on the neighbor's driveway - what a gift to receive! He'll be so pleased.....

We're going, my daddy and me..... rah-rooooo!

Somebody Didn't Get the Memo

Rox was very interested in whoever the poor body was --- seems there is a critter who dares walk across Rox's front porch! And yes, that is our front porch covered in snow. Blech!

Bob was as excited as Rox - came to me to get picture of prints so we could identify critter.

I say it's a hapless, half-frozen little thing with 5 long toes. Bob wondered if it was... eek! ... the possum from before........

Roxie did lots of sniffing and tracked it back to behind the bushes and around the driveway to the house next door......

Whatever it was, it was very brave to venture onto Rox's porch.......

16 February 2008


28 degrees. Sun is shining. Roxie is happy. Maybe I'll survive this winter.

Still have snow, only now it's slushy, dirt black and ugly.

13 February 2008

Roxie Wants to Move to Arizona or Florida

16 degrees. 9 more inches of snow last night...

At least the sun is shining today.

'Nuff said.

01 February 2008

Another Grey Snowy Day in Michigan - Roxie's Ecstatic

Standing at the edge of the patio, watching for snow critters and possums. She stood there about 10 minutes, head moving back and forth in surveilance mode. I didn't tamper with the lighting in the picture. This is how dark it was at 3 PM.

The Patio Potty Spot that Bob cleared for her is in need of another shoveling... Roxie spent about half an hour sniffing the whole area. Not sure what she was checking out, but she was thorough.