01 February 2008

Another Grey Snowy Day in Michigan - Roxie's Ecstatic

Standing at the edge of the patio, watching for snow critters and possums. She stood there about 10 minutes, head moving back and forth in surveilance mode. I didn't tamper with the lighting in the picture. This is how dark it was at 3 PM.

The Patio Potty Spot that Bob cleared for her is in need of another shoveling... Roxie spent about half an hour sniffing the whole area. Not sure what she was checking out, but she was thorough.


Anonymous said...

Chase says that if he could get to Michigan he knows Rox would love to "romp" in the snow with him. Then they could go inside and he'd let her lick his ears. He thinks Rox might be suffering from SAD - that sunlite deficiency syndrome!

I can feel your pain Rox. BEAM ME NORTH Scotty!

Unknown said...

I don't miss that kind of weather at all!