19 November 2007

If a Tree Falls in the Woods...

Time: lunch, midday on a grey, cloudy Monday

Set: kitchen table, iced tea glass, plate for Bob, apples and burritos, and the ever-present Pile of Junk center table.

Bob, casually munching apple -

"I don't think we really know her yet. I think she's pretty tough."

Gena, sipping tea through a straw -

"What do you mean?"

Roxie, glaring up at Bob -

"What!!! This ain't no piece of meat, it's a lousy chunk of apple... peh-tooey...."

Bob, munch munch -

"Well, we were going cross-country and she attacked another tree.... ripped it right down again. We're forging through the bush and there was this little sapling right in her way and she grabbed it, pulled it and tore it back and forth until it ripped. Then she walks over it."

Gena, puzzled look -


Bob -

"Maybe she doesn't want to walk around it?... who knows."

Another adventure in the wondrous quest - learning what your new dog is all about.

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