18 March 2008

It's Going to be A Long Summer

Last night. Last potty trip.

HUGE BARKING, SCREAMING DOG-FIT in the back yard. Neighbors' flood lights are popping on all over the place. Some neighbors came outside for the show.

Yes, you probably guessed it. Rox found another possum....... a bigger one this time from the west side neighbors yard. I get the call "Mom, you better come up; she's got another one."

Bob headed outdoors once again in his battle gear, loaded with the flashlight and leash.....

I must have been in a pretty mellow mood because I didn't feel the need to call Matt in Seattle, and I didn't have gaspy chest pains. OK, so this says what? I'm getting used to the idea that Roxie is not a girly-girl. She seems to be a hunter and a ferocious one at that. Man, oh man, did she go after that critter.

This cannot go on. I worry about her safety. So tonight we've come up with a protocol - PPPPP.

Pre-Potty Possum Patrol Protocol. Bob will circle the yard with the flashlight, hunting for critters before we let Roxie out. If he finds one, he'll explain to it that Roxie is on her way to tear it apart. Skedaddle will be the best plan.

Let you know how this works...... sigh.......

Dogs. Whatareya gonna do?

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