13 August 2008

Rabies Shot, One Month Early


Bob started out with Rox for her second morning walk and the neighbor called him over to show him what she had in her car....... she'd live-trapped a HUGE raccoon!

As soon as she opened the car door, the raccoon started hissing and trying to get at Roxie and Roxie tried to get at the raccoon.....

Bob was able to pull her away and the walk never even got started. Rox would not leave the neighbor's driveway even after she drove off in search of someplace to dump... er, relocate, the raccoon. In the meantime, her dog (who came onto our property and bit me the week they moved in) was in her front window about to come through the glass to get at Roxie.

Thinking that the raccoon could have spit some saliva at Rox, I called the vet to get her Rabies shot one month early (she due in September). Who knows if she was at any risk of exposure, but better safe than sorry.

So Baby Girl gets a shot tomorrow. Ouch. Bob is upset for her. She'll probably get mega-treats from him when she gets home.

Oh, and the dog who bit me - they are moving... today was their last day in the house. Yea! That damn dog was mean!

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