10 April 2008

Non-Native Species Identified on Field Trip... Sort Of...

Bob and Rox were walking in the woods at the state park this morning. Deep in the woods. They were interrupted by a gaggle of middle-school students with their teacher. Seems they were on a field trip to see natural flora and fauna; a possum or raccoon perhaps. Maybe some turtles on the shore of the lake.

What they found instead was the non-native Dachshundus Wirehairous. The kids FLOCKED EN MASSE to the cute animal on the end of the leash. Their collective murmurings could be heard throughout the park. Seems they missed the clue that the animal in question was on the end of a .... leash. "Look", they said, in awed tones. As a group, they descended with pets and pats.

And, by instinct long held, the Dachshundus Wirehairous fell onto her back to receive belly rubs. "What kind of animal is this?" they asked. Their teacher's eyes met Bob's eyes - would this animal qualify for the study unit the kids were working on? Sadly, no. Bob told them Rox was a wire haired dachshund. One boy said "but she sure looks like a beagle."

Ah, the state of education in middle schools today.............

I don't think Herself cares if they knew what she was; she was satisfied they knew enough to give her pets and adoration. As was proper..........

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