18 May 2008

Spring Gardening in Full Swing

The following pictures are for your viewing enjoyment.

Most people would say. "oh, how cute!".

I say, "dirt boogers in the nose, brown eye boogers and hard dry clots of dirt that stick in her foot hair.

But that's just me. I may be a pessimist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss of 1#. Can
understand your cranky/concerned/obsessed feelings concerning Rox's pain vs. the weather. Also...that dirt that gets INTO those front pawnails is a bugger. I have to put poodle-feet in pan of warm water!!

Wonder if a good soak in a tub of hot water would help anything...but then, "herself" is not a fan of too much heat!!

Poodles send regards & love with best wishes for a speedy recovery!