Busy was Bob going to the annual Warren Buffett stockholders meeting. He and his friend go every year in a mad driving dash from Michigan to Omaha and back again in three days. Whew - have to be a diehard to make that jaunt without bathroom breaks, stopping to shop at quilt shops along the way and eating in the car. Not my cup of travel tea. So Roxie and I stay home. This brings us to depressed.
Roxie was absolutely beside herself with sadness that Daddy was gone. Bob's friend Doug scoffed, saying dogs don't know that kind of thing. Poop! It should be immediately apparent that Doug has no idea how dogs work. Good at investing, bad at dogs..... sorry Doug....
I tried to keep her company, but this brings us to recovering from surgery. I had eye surgery done on Thursday and Bob left on Friday morning for Omaha. And yes, the surgeon said it was OK, and no, I was just fine by myself. Me and the ice packs kept each other company. Because of my recovery requirements I was not able to take Herself on her twice day long walks. So that added to her melancholy. No Daddy and no walks. Her life had fallen apart.
Add to that the fact that she's on a diet to lose 4-5 lbs and she was just a Sad Case of Moping all weekend.
Let's see, what have I missed? Sick, that was Bob. Long recovery from root canal infection - lightheaded and nauseous - which of course would send most folks to the doc, but he's a man, so he's soldiering on.
Ah, and injured, that would be Roxie. Seems she's pulled a muscle or something. Poor baby is having trouble with stairs. Doesn't seem to be back injury since we don't see any of the signs that go along with that. She might have twisted something flying down the stairs when Bob got back from Omaha..... so she's on limited activity and carrys up and down. Thirty pounds is heavy.... for a standard, she is still about 4 lbs or so overweight with that dreaded winter weight gain. So she's on a modified green bean, veggie diet. Luckily she loves green beans, cooked not raw, and room temp, not cold. Whatever you ask for, my sweet!
So I've put in some pics from one of the latest walks before Omaha. It's to a state park around here, and Rox just loves to stand on the bridge and watch the swans.

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