Didn't pay attention to the weather last night. We had 12 very cold, very white, very intimidating inches of the white stuff. I was surprised. Roxie was surprised. The kids next door were ecstatic! We opened the front door and Roxie actually backed up.... shaking her head. Didn't do her business until after 10, when she decided she absolutely must do a doody in the neighbors shoveled driveway. Huge pile of brown on a freshly shoveled white driveway. Rather stood out - neighbor couldn't miss it as he looked out from his front window.
Bob tottled over in his snowsuit, with his little plastic baggie. We're good neighbors........ uh huh, we are too..........
That's a really cool picture. I can't believe you guys got so much snow!
Snow, snow, snow and we have NO, snow, snow, snow!!
We think next time furpeople get together it should be on HER turf.
She is...after all very socialized.
Maybe she's a snob???
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