Twelve inches of snow. Then the rains came. Bye-bye snow....... which was good for Rox but the rains, well, any girl knows what rain and humidity does to hair.......
Rox has always had a Mohawk strip of thick hair down the middle of her back. Mostly it lays flat, but walks in the rain with daddy invited a wild, stand-up rebel look. This picture does not do justice to the hilarity. Rox knows too, and somehow she adapts her personality to match her hairstyle. She's been freaky-feisty with Bob, "play wrestling", growling and humping. Fun for a minute, but then Miss Bossy needs a reminder who's alpha.
Her response to this reminder is to sulk. She has that down to a science: walk away proudly, a couple of backward glances, then pointed avoidance of eye contact. She ignores any call; any mention of her name elicits a silent, pissy blink of her eyes, and refusal to turn her head toward us.
We respect her for a few minutes, then rattle a bag of treats or open the fridge door, and magically all is forgiven.
She's easy.
1 comment:
Ohhhhhhhhhh...you don't know what you did wrong huh??? We started at the Huh? and got to this point. Taking her from the dw man, the rain, a haircut or just an excuse to be pissy! We girls need to keep in practice.
Poodles had TWO recliners instead of PB chairs that they were too big for. Herself was just the rite fit. Vacate your chair and no matter where she was when you left...she was in your chair when you got back with her head resting on the arm. You could forget her moving to let you sit down. If you sat down and did not leave room for her...YOU suffered, not her.
Reincarnated for sure...from what we have no idea unless we are paying for misdeeds of furpersons of yore...no problem here with Alpha either...she escheated that position very adeptly before anyone could figure out it had happened!!
Glad things are normal!
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