09 December 2007

Who's the Boss in this Family?

So, Little One thought she had trained Bob well. She was ever so tickled with Herself for helping Bob see that when SHE woke up at 5:30 or 6 AM, HE had to get dressed and walk her.

She didn't seem to care that he's retired now and can sleep as long as he wants. She knew Mom wasn't going to get up that early and walk her. And she certainly didn't think she had to go outside in the big fenced back yard upon waking. Really. What self-respecting dog would settle for that when the leash awaited?

Well. Mom said this has to stop! Herself had figured out how to slip her collar (more about that later) and Mom was panicked that if she did that in the dark of pre-normal waking morning, she would be a black dog lost in the black night. Really and truly, this whole thing is a safety issue. We don't neglect this dog, no matter what she tells you!

When Rox started her morning noises at 5:30 Am today Mom yelled "NO". Roxie went back to sleep. Or at least Mom did and didn't hear any more noises until 6:15. Good Dog.

A moment here, please, to tell why those noises are so hard to resist (and why Daddy can't resist his Little Girl - he's such a soft touch)... there is the early "dog-moaning" as Rox wakes and stretches. Then the "emm, emm" of her gently letting the world know she is awaking. Then the low rumbly "woo wooooo", and finally the paws on the bed on Bob's side. It's all very cute and designed to make her people go "awww". Well, Mom said NO this morning. Ooops.

Mom said to Dad, "would you like me to make sure it's light out before you walk her?" Dad said "how in the hell are you going to do that?!" or some words to that effect.

And here is the part that prompts this posting... I come downstairs and Bob is sitting in the family room putting on his hiking boots. Roxie is sitting in front of his feet, as if to say "yes I am too going on a walk, Dad is taking me." She was glaring at me, her and Daddy against me. Two against one. I swear, she was giving me the evil eye. I'm sure she understands English. She kept looking up at him, saying with her eyes "you ARE taking me, right?!"

The world came to an end when Bob passed by the leash on the front hall table and left on his Sunday morning Starbuckien Run. She was particularly miffed that I fooled her away from the front door by making eggs. I know that was the highest form of deceit... and she'll never tell you that she got an egg for breakfast and scarfed it down with vigor.

After eating her lovely and highly nutritious meal she retired to her daybed in the front room and pointedly ignored Dad when he arrived back home. She refused to sit with him as he read the Sunday paper, a long-standing appointment of Norman Rockwell proportion.

Little One is pissed.

Oh, and by the way, she DID go out in the back yard this morning. Mom is such a bitch..........


Anonymous said...

I love reading Roxie's blog. I frst met Roxie at the vet's office I work for. Her former caregivers come there and were trying to find a home for her. I put them in touch with my daughter who is a member of DRNA. And she has ended up in your loving home. I am so glad. Keep the blog going, I enjoy it so much. Thank you both for giving her such a good family.

Anonymous said...

Roxie is awesome and her humans are too funny.