Remember I've mentioned Rox has a little trick of slipping her collar? Well, amazingly I captured it on disk. If you look really closely you can see the collar at the very end of the leash. It has just come off her head. (Click on the picture for larger view)
What she does is turn around facing you, backs up and wiggles her head and body until it slips off. What a stinker! Here, Bob wanted to bring her back home and she wanted to continue on her walk to the corner. Luckily Bob and I both yelled "Roxie, bad girl" and she turned and ran to me on the porch. She is a very sensitive girl and when you raise your voice to her she is crushed. Had she been in the house she would have immediately rolled over and pee'd, then run to hide in her bed.
Let me say right here that we rarely scold her or raise our voices (really only twice that I can think of, including today). But when she slips the collar it's the only way to get her to stop running away. Bless her little heart, she runs right back and rolls over at our feet and pees. Of course, she is so cute we immediately want to pick her up and love her. Talk about sending mixed signals... Ceasar Milan would shake his finger at us!
The first night I had her on the trip home, she slipped her harness in the parking lot of the hotel in Pittsburgh. At night. After dark. In a strange city. Right on the edge of the interstate. I about pooped my pants...... can I say that on this blog? I haven't been able to write about it until now because I was so devastatingly upset.
When I yelled/screamed "Roxie, bad dog" she turned and ran back to me. I picked her up and sat right down on the parking lot with tears in my eyes. Wondering what in the world I had done driving 1100 miles by myself, wondering if Bob and I should ever have gotten another dog after losing Rocky, wondering if we should have gotten a 4 year old dog at our ages of 56, wondering if Roxie was the right dog for us.
Well, can ya tell I can get a leetle e-m-o-t-i-o-n-a-l where my dogs are concerned? From the adrenalin jolt of thinking our new dog was going to be lost at night in Pittsburgh to now, seeing her slip her collar outside in the cold, blowing snow, I've come around to a comfortable knowledge that she will come back when called.
The joke was on her today though - she attained freedom and the only place she could run away to was freezing cold deep snow.
She ran right back to the house. Good Dog!
And on a final note, the answers to all those parking lot questions: yes, yes, yes and yes.
1 comment:
It looks like Bob is using the collar and lease as a lasso!
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