Right before Rox came to a rescue group she was with a wonderful family, The House of Poodles, who helped her, loved her and did that most selfless of all acts, gave her up for rescue. This family had "rescued" her from a first family. Her new rescue home was full of doggy life..... big life...... and I mean that literally. Roxie had 4 brothers and sisters - big Poodle Dogs and a Labbradoodle who straddled her! Seems her rescue home people fell head over heals in love, but with so many dogs they were tripping over little (and big) furry feet. And so Roxie began her journey to us.
As you know it almost killed my husband AND me to have to give Roxie up. The "big children", Chase(blond boy), BJ, (black girl) and KaCee, (resident "mixed terrier")(& all over 50 pounds) are constantly looking for Roxie. They've looked out in the yard, under the furniture and out the windows and doors. Should you dare to mention Roxie's name they stand still and give you that quizzical look as they slowly turn their head as if to say "so where is she?"
This picture (above) is what Roxie did everytime we tried to take a picture of her.
Chase, the blonde and Roxie were especially close. Roxie loved to get on top of him and lick his hears clean - first one and then the other and he would just lay there and enjoy it!!
And so now I know a little bit more about the girl who will be coming to live with us. She is a picture princess who loves to have her good side photographed and get belly rubs at the same time. She has an ear fetish and is a sucker for big blond men. Too bad Bob is a bald redhead... sigh.......
Va rescue family wants you to know that Roxie's alltime favorites were the two "redheaded" grandchildren. No matter who came in...she would roll upside down for tummy rubs - but when those grandchildren(age 5 & 1 1/2 years came she would turn herself inside out she got so excited. She LOVES children!
Well,I was writing to tell about the redheaded children, but see that my mom beat me to it. My son Cooper LOVED Roxie. Roxie did not bowl him over like those "giant" dogs do. She was just the right size. They would lay on the floor together and be extremely content. Cooper loves dogs and Roxie was "JUST RIGHT"
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