Musings and ramblings about a short long dog who comes to live with Bob and Gena in Michigan and brings laughter, love and joy into their lives.
16 June 2008
So... I Was Just Playing Around One Day....
..... and lo and behold, I figured out my camera has a macro setting! And of course while I was just sitting around, Rox was sitting around ON me..... and so the subject of my first set of macro photos was ... ta da! Roxie's butt hair................
Well, not really butt hair - this is her southside top rump as it rested ON my lap.
I am a standard size wire-haired dachshund and I'm the most pretty of all dogs everywhere. I'm smart and cute and very smart, and I am the boss of everyone. Really.
Oh, and I hate possums and cats. They most assuredly get on my last nerve.
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