11 November 2007

Uh oh...

Almost two weeks with us and Roxie's personatity is unfolding like a summer flower. She hates it when one of us goes upstairs to bed without the other!

I like to read and Bob hates the lights on when he's trying to get to sleep, hence the room is in darkness. If I stay downstairs to continue reading, Rox wanders purposefully upstairs talking to Bob.

Bob, in turn, yells down to me. Being young-at-heart cool people with old-folks hearing we inevitably end up yelling back and forth. Finally Rox gives up and comes back down to guard me from the bunnies in the back yard. She's concerned they may break into the house and munch me to death as I read my books.

She's also trained Bob to take her for a morning walk around the block, in the dark, before she'll eat her breakfast... sound like any dachshund you know?! She leaves her food on her plate until she walks her 10,000 steps! I wonder if she'll share her secret for loving exercise with me?


Unknown said...

It didn't take long for her to have you trained. You guys are suckers!

Roxie the Doxie said...

Yes we are, son! And loving every moment of it...... LOL..........

Anonymous said...

God is in his Heaven, Roxie is with the Flatley's...and all is right with the world!