As much as she loves her walks in the woods, she does get hot and tired when the temp is above 70. Bob takes water and a bowl so she gets a drink in the car on the way home, but it wears her out. She will sleep for 2-3 hours after a long walk in hot temps....
We've decided to try to temper the length and time of day so she won't get overheated, but she seems to have some self-control. The other day it was really warm and Bob said she just found a shady spot on the path and laid down to rest. Laid down on her side with her head on the ground, as if she was going to sleep! Caused some momentary concern on my part "Was she breathing!" But Bob said she just wanted a little rest, so she took it!
After a few minutes, Bob picked her up (all 30 lbs of her) and carried her for about 100 yards. Then she wanted down, and went right back to sauntering along on the walk, sniffing bushes for signs of other critters.
If she doesn't get her morning wake-up walk AND her mid-day park walk she gets a little feisty. As soon as I can figure out how to video with my new cell-phone I hope to post a video of her giving us hell.............. she's a talker!