She's gotten 2 rabbits, 2 chipmunks, 2 birds and many flies this season. We've learned not to holler in a panicky tone because she takes her catch and disappears under the shrubs where we can't get her. She cannot understand why we get all hot and bothered...
Bob has tried to use reverse psychology with her. When we see her with a prize he praises her... "good girl", "what have you got there?"............. if she thinks he isn't upset she'll actually share it.
Her winter coat is almost shed. She has the thickest, thickest coat and we get bags full of hair when we use the Furminator to groom her. The warmer weather is hard for her; Rox's favorite temperature is about 60 degrees. Moving to Phoenix would never work for her!
Colorado is looking good for retirement. Bob and Rox can wander up into the Rockies for some good hikes.