We've taken great pains to make sure she never thought she was just here temporarily. No out of town trips or overnights at a kennel. And I think she finally knows this is her home forever. She certainly thinks this is HER home - she's carefully trained us to know what she needs and wants.
The pictures below are just random ones over the past couple of months. We just yesterday had a major snowstorm with 12-13 inches of snow. Rox is not sure what to think... she went out the garage and into a blowing snowstorm. Stopped and returned to the kitchen forthwith. She told Bob she wanted to go out the front door where the weather was sure to be sunny. Makes sense in a perverse doggy-world way, I think. Each door has it's own weather?
At any rate, she is firm that her walks continue; we just have to pick the snowballs out of her face and feet when she comes in. She's comfortable with this - she gets wrapped in a warm blanket while we pick off the snowberries, then she rests there for about 20 minutes until she warms up. See the picture of Bob holding her post-walk.