24 April 2008

4 and 20 Blackbirds Baked in a Pie

Bob had been mowing in the front yard. When he came around to the back, he found Huntress Hannah on the porch with her catch. Just standing there with the poor dead bird at her feet, looking proud and satisfied. When Bob approached her, she started talking. "Will you take me for another walk now? I caught this bird for you so I get a walk, so let's hit the road, Dad......."

Every time Bob tried to get the prize from her she'd grab it and run. The first picture shows her hiding near the back shrubs, guarding her prize. She let me get a couple of pictures, then begrudgingly gave it up.

Looking dejected as Blackbird Billy was taken away....... so how do we handle this? Rox is an animal, bred to hunt. Do we praise her for her keen instincts and fine skill? Do we take sides with the dearly departed bird who probably had a family somewhere...

It's a conundrum. Today Bob praised her - told her she was swift and talented hunter. "Good girl, Roxie!" Roxie looked pleased with the compliments but confused as to why she couldn't keep her bird.

I'm sure the neighborhood blackbirds are swearing a price on our heads as I write.

And to think that is the mouth that kisses us........ blech.............

Dogs are one of life's joys, except when they are one of life's conundrums.

22 April 2008

Gifts from an Angel

Ummmmm, ya know when I said she brings in leaves and mud and stuff? Well, she seems to have found a free source of pine tree sap.

She brought me a great big sap booger and stuck it right on my arm! I'm amazed how the booger stuck to me like super-glue and the only thing left on her was a light piney scent.

Looks like we may have to search the yard for the sap source before she plasters the whole house with sticky sap boogers. Acetone worked on my skin, but I have fears about using it on fabrics or bed sheets.......

Ah, springtime in Michigan with a wire-hair wild child tomboy......... cue the violins........

Trash Days Are Exhausting

Tuesdays are trash days here and Roxie gets no rest on trash days..... Constantly on the move, no time to sleep. Always on guard to prevent the trash truck from getting into our house.

Add to that the sound of the FEDEX or UPS trucks and she's really beside herself with anxiety. We've concluded that the sound of diesel engines triggers a protective posture and song that ultimately has been quite successful.

To date, no trucks have gotten in our front door...... for that reason, we don't shush her when she barks at them. She's keeping us safe.

Good Roxie!

10 April 2008

Non-Native Species Identified on Field Trip... Sort Of...

Bob and Rox were walking in the woods at the state park this morning. Deep in the woods. They were interrupted by a gaggle of middle-school students with their teacher. Seems they were on a field trip to see natural flora and fauna; a possum or raccoon perhaps. Maybe some turtles on the shore of the lake.

What they found instead was the non-native Dachshundus Wirehairous. The kids FLOCKED EN MASSE to the cute animal on the end of the leash. Their collective murmurings could be heard throughout the park. Seems they missed the clue that the animal in question was on the end of a .... leash. "Look", they said, in awed tones. As a group, they descended with pets and pats.

And, by instinct long held, the Dachshundus Wirehairous fell onto her back to receive belly rubs. "What kind of animal is this?" they asked. Their teacher's eyes met Bob's eyes - would this animal qualify for the study unit the kids were working on? Sadly, no. Bob told them Rox was a wire haired dachshund. One boy said "but she sure looks like a beagle."

Ah, the state of education in middle schools today.............

I don't think Herself cares if they knew what she was; she was satisfied they knew enough to give her pets and adoration. As was proper..........

08 April 2008

At Long Last, Spring!!!

Ah! At last I can get a good back scratch rub..... over and over and over again... all over the yard!

OK, I know the bunny has been here - I can smell it. Where is it hiding....

So, if I sit really still, maybe the bunnies won't see me.........

Wake up bunnies..... I'm here to play with you......... come on out!

07 April 2008

So.... we were just standing around talking with the neighbors...

We looked down and what do we see? Roxie being cute, once again....... until we realized she wasn't just playing with her leash in her mouth....... she was chewing it!

Seems she was bored standing around chatting on the neighbors driveway and wanted to get going on her own. If we hadn't noticed, she might have made her way to freedom!

Another day, another trick. She's too smart by half!

And another cheerful note: IT'S 70 DEGREES AND SUNNY!!!!! I'm just beside myself with glee...... Rox is going in and out the back door whenever she wants, she lays on the sunporch in the sun, makes a circuit of the yard to check for possums, then returns to her perch until it's time to surveil again.

Life is good again ----- no snow or cold!

06 April 2008

Relaxing with Daddy

Not the most lady-like pose, but it's what she does after her walks. Relaxes, spread-eagle, for her tummy rubs and words of endearment. Someone said she's spoiled..... ya think?

The days are getting longer now. The sun has returned from its holiday and Michigan is slowly waking up. Nighttime lows are in the mid-30s and the daytime highs are getting up to 45 degrees. It feels gloriously warm after a long, cold, snowy snowy winter.

Rox is becoming a long-distance runner; well, a hiker more than a runner. She and Bob are taking long walks 2-3 times a day, sometimes in the subdivision, but more and more they are going to the parks and woods. She loves her parks. A hunters heart beats in her hairy little chest. Her wire-hair coat has become extremely thick. She has no fear of going out in the rain; it almost seems to run off her like water off a duck's back. And snow... she loves it!

She's found her friends and enemies on their walks. Each house where dogs live comes alive as they walk past. Some are barks of "hello" and others are barks saying "get out of here you little dachsie - I'll eat you if I could get over this fence." To some she responds, others she just ambles past with indifference.

One of the items on our spring agenda is to have Rox attend "finishing school". She needs some socialization with other dogs to polish her company manners a bit. Her cousin Zoey got the snotty end of Rox's attention at Christmas and we'd like her to learn a bit of compassion or at least how to not be bossy with others.

Another item on the list is learning to walk at heel. She'll pull my arm out on the outbound walk, but when returning home she drags her feet as if to say "I know we're heading home and I want to stay out longer." She's a smart one, for sure.